• “The position of your mind determines the posture of your life” - Kristen Hopkins

Kayla Yvonne Jones


Kayla Yvonne Jones

North Carolina Central University

Why I wanted to become a dangers of the mind brand ambassador:

I have chose to join the brand ambassador team because I felt the strength of God pulling me. I have always prayed that I did not want to pursue my dream but instead, I wanted to pursue my purpose in life. About a year or two ago, I realized that my exact purpose in life was greater than me. My purpose was to allow God to use me as a vessel to touch the lives of young children in need. After coming to this realization I got up and started to make the change in the community that I wanted to see. Now, here I am, ready to give Dangers Of The Mind my all and let everyone know they are a DOMinator deep inside and will NOT be a product of their environment.